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English summary


cul TUNE ration

Innovative, ESG-compatible conference where we align people from different generations
and cultures in a corporate environment. Come and join us!

Save the date:

Budapest Metropolitan University

22nd May, 2024. Time: 9am-5pm

Who are we?

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Valeria Szabo

culTUNEration Founder, Main organizer, Marketing and business development mentor,

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Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy

Master trainer & coach, Head of L&D, OD at Parrish & Crawler International

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Andrea Lerf

Developer of organizations and individuals, CSR and employer branding expert

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Zsófia Rácz

Event manager, International relations, marketing & communication specialist


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Jan – May 2024

22nd May 2024

Starting after 22nd May 2024

What is cul TUNE ration?

Cul TUNE ration is an initiative focusing on aligning people from different cultures and
generations in a corporate environment.

(TUNE the cultures + generations)

Building communication bridges in our companies and business cannot wait any longer. The future viability of our country's economy is at stake. culTUNEration represents the unfolding reality of this very moment.

We are much more than a one-day conference. With vodcast series leading up to the conference for several months and with the help of the TUNE Community (to be launched at the conference), we continue to align corporate challenges with service providers, experts and new generations even after the conference every day.

We have been feeling the growing tension among colleagues of different cultures and generations recently. This is why the ESG law was also enacted. In our culTUNEration community, we showcase thousands of solutions for successful alignment, starting with our conference so we can tune in with each other.

Grid Pattern

The Conference

1 day

200+ participants

21 speakers

14 cultures

Who are we expecting and why should you also come and join us?

  • CEO's, managers and HR leaders of large corporations: Hungarian and international large corporations are the first ones to face the mounting
    multicultural and generational challenges. We provide you with modern competence development, advisory teams, and supportive mastermind communities.

  • CEO's, managers and HR leaders of medium-sized enterprises:
    Medium-sized enterprises with over 40 employees encounter seemingly insurmountable dilemmas during their collaborative efforts. It is essential that you start incorporating modern organizational development methods to ensure your future viability. culTUNEration is an excellent opportunity for authentic information.

  • Development professionals: Coaches, trainers, organizational developers, consultants, psychologists, who develop
    solutions for building intercultural and generational bridges. By leveraging your expertise, companies gain experience, capability, and functional solutions to improve productivity, increase profits, and stimulate the economy. Showcase your expertise at the conference and within our TUNE Community: an online organizational development collaboration and training platform.

  • HR partners (recruitment and headhunting companies, advertising and marketing agencies):
    When it comes to corporate communication, PR, employer branding, and recruitment, the support of HR partners is essential for rapid and effective implementation. Participate as attendees and exhibitors at the conference and benefit from on-site marketing.

  • Ambitious young people and seniors (Hungarian and foreign university students, graduates, and experienced specialists):
    ...You are the subject of our topic. As young people and seniors associated with the
    culTUNEration initiative, actively building their own careers, you create a pre-screened, high-quality mini labor market for participating companies. We create opportunities for meetings at the conference and within our TUNE Community.

The creator and main organizer of the culTUNEration concept and initiative is Valéria Szabó, expert marketing and business development mentor, trainer and the visionary and main organizer of the 1 st Coach & Trainer Meeting in Tiszántúl.


Conference program

No events at the moment


Registration, welcome


CulTUNEration Opening

Valéria Szabó (culTUNEration Founder, Expert Marketing and Business Development Mentor, Trainer)

Ethnosound - tuning in to the day


Generation Commando: Interactive corporate situations, explained

> Dr. András Klára (EGIS Group, HR and Communication Director)
> Andrea Lerf (Organization Developer, Trainer, Coach)
> Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy (Parrish & Crawler International, Head of L&D, OD | Master Trainer &


Diversity as a competitive advantage

György Bőgel (CEU Business School, Professor of Management Sciences)


Workshop option :

Smart Solutions formula

how different people solve problems
Zita Friedewald and Anna Endrődi

10:10 - 10:40

Multiculti or cultimulti? How to win with diversity and fine-tuning multigenerational

> László Kiss (HelloPay Zrt & Cup Revolution Kft. Board Member, Director of Business Development
and Sales) moderator
> Helga Kaszás (METRO Hungary, People & HR Director

> Sándor Ákos (Executive HR Advisor for Change Management and Strategy)
3rd participant - to be confirmed


Workshop option:

Generation, mediation!
dr. Ildikó Murányi (Conflict Expert, Mediator, Founder of the National Mediator Office)




Onboarding tailored to Generation Z: success guaranteed!

Enikő Bereczki (Generation Dilemmas, Intergenerational Expert, Researcher, and Corporate Trainer)


Workshop option:

What will the future intercultural SMEs look like?
Stories and best practices abroad by Octavian Hullai

11:20 - 11:50

Generations podium - Roundtable of best practices

> Tamás Bárány (MOL Group, Head of Group Recruitment) moderator
> Natália Ujcz-Takács (Grundfos, Head of Country HR & Plant HR Support)
> Krisztina Molnár (ROAR, Unit Manager)
> Áron Szekeres (BMW Group head of HR marketing and recruitment)

> Balázs Fertig (MBH Bank, Recruiting and Onboarding Director)


Workshop option:

Experience as if you were a foreigner

interactive workshop
Gabriella Héthy-Szommer

11:50 - 12:10

Generations - Development - Myths

> Andrea Kökényesi-Nagy (Parrish & Crawler International, Head of L&D, OD | Master Trainer &
> Gergely Koltányi (Nitrolearning Zrt., Head of Learning Experience Design)


Workshop option:

Use good examples of tourism in your own company - research and advice

> Nóra Róbert (HR Expert, Trainer, Coach, Lecturer at Budapest Business School)
> Krisztina Bacsi (Learning & Development Coach, Trainer at Hungarian Tourism Academy)


Alignment of universities and companies in education

> dr. habile Szilvia Szabó (HR Consultant Master's Program Leader)
> Katalin Balázs (Assistant Professor, University of Debrecen)
> Additional participants to be confirmed


Workshop option:

Senior employees as mentors in the corporate environment

Emese Farkas (Executive Director, Center of Volunteering Foundation)

12:30 - 13:15


13:15 - 13:30

Speaker to be confirmed

13:30 - 14:00

culTUNEration United

Surprise program, energetic start for the afternoon

14:00 - 14:20

Check in 2 the future

Civil Impact research
Gyöngyvér Kiss (Founder-CEO of Civil Impact, revolutionary in civil-corporate relations)


Workshop option:

Self-development in blue collar: win-win. Both the employee and the company benefit

dr. Zsuffa Ákos (CEO, PractiWork Partner, Head of Learning Innovation, President of the Association
of Adult Education Providers)

14:20 - 14:40

Generation Z solutions - From Generation Z

Participants to be confirmed


Workshop option

14:40 - 15:00

Don't just think, feel! - Generations up close

> Andrea Lerf (Organization Developer, Trainer, Coach)
> Mónika Kosári (Trainer, Educator, Coach, Organization and System Builder)


Workshop option:

What advice does the expat CEO have for Hungarian leaders?

> Jason Colwell (President - Prestone Products) Video call
> Hungarian Facilitators Association's interactive practice

15:00 - 15:20


15:20 - 15:40

Generations and burnout

> dr. Júlia Füredi (Organizational Psychologist, sparq tech)


Workshop option

15:40 - 16:00

Is freedom feasible in an intercultural corporate culture?

> Traci Fenton (WorldBlu, Leadership + Culture Expert, CEO)
> Nikolett Forray (Balloon World Hungary, CEO)


Workshop option

16:00 - 16:20

Generations and multiculturalism in the light of ESG

Zsuzsanna Elek (Credit Management Group, Senior ESG & Sustainability Consultant)


Workshop option

16:20 - 16:40

DEBUT of the country's first intercultural school cooperative research

Fürge Diák School Association

16:40 - 17:00

Diverse teams - Multiculturalism in selection

>Balázs Izsó (PROHUMAN, Head of Temporary Staffing) Moderator
> Réka Csutkai (Oerlikon HR Director)

> Tímea Varjuné Horváth (MENTON Jobs, Strategic Network Specialist)

17:00 - 17:05

Closing, Farewell

Join us

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